Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We started a history tour of SL though we didn't get too far due to Katia was lagging terribly, and we got griefed at one. We used the Destination Guide and "Historical SL Places" and started exploring.
 This is The Cornfield, where bad avatars were sent in early years to "think about their crimes" :D It's 4 sims, nothing but cornfields and bats, circa 2003.
There was a rat knawing on my hand. I'm relaxing on my alt, Micah, tonight. No IMs and nothing but peace, quiet, and rats knawing on my hand. And pumpkins.
 We moved onto Pooley, and Char Linden's office.
Once a remote site where applicants for the first Linden Liaison team were interviewed, curious events caused the island to transform into a rather big foot. This is where we were griefed, though. Some band of 4 morons (probably highschool kids out for school break) were cussing up a storm and being assholes and ended up orbiting us.
Next was Governor Linden's mansion. This is located in Clementina, one of the original sims and was built in 2003 by Stellar Sunshine who is SL's oldest resident. She was born in March 2002. (No idea if she's still around.)
 The build is extremely simple and blocky, looong before sculpties and mesh and actually pretty refreshing. (Not a fan of sculpies)
Unfortunately Katia was lagging too badly to continue. Plus, she is surrounded by relatives in RL. So we head back to Micah's Linden Home instead and luckily the beautiful Bebe also joins us!
Maybe if I remember we will hit the other destination spots on the list.

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