Friday, December 23, 2011


So with my leftover 512 premium, I have decided to go back to a Linden Home, for the heck of it. (Maybe builder's laziness) After ditching about 10 of them for overcrowded locations or other problems (one was completely phantom), I settled on a place in Flap Jack. Nice! Jack's Flap Jack in Flap Jack. Yeah.
Linden Homes are very suburbia, you got about 5-8 options in the various subgroups. So it's up to you to make it something unique, and that's not easy with 117 prims. I go for the tattered urban look, putting up brick walls and subway decoations, blackening the windows from the outside for a little more privacy.
This one's really not bad, good view and no one really looking directly into the house or within 10 feet away. Also, there's a Linden bird that keeps flying right through my living room. Nice. Katia says he needs a name. I'm going to have to add bird shit on the floor, I think.
This model is "Skylight" under the Meadowbrook option. I used to have a quad I liked a lot and moved out of just because of restlessness.
 Turnstiles do not come standard. :)
No room or prims for a kitchen? What's wrong with snack machines and a bar? Hey, the bachelor's dream, right?

You can feel free to visit, but always wise to call ahead, unless you have a deep-seeded desire to see me naked.

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