Monday, December 12, 2011


So, yesterday was both a really crappy SL day and, as it turns out, kind of a good one.

I usually spent most of the Sunday in SL catching up on league stuff from the week. Yesterday I log in and get (once again) multiple reports about the behavior of an ex-GOHA Player while I was offline Saturday.

So Sunday morning, here come the day's notecards. Again. Ex-GOHA Player refused to play the position the Blades captain directed, then started verbally harassing the captain, then refused to leave the ice when benched, and actually pushed the captain to the bench. Gerhard Hesse, the captain, is probably one of the nicest people I've met in SL. Ex-GOHA Player starts arguing with the ref, too. Ended up with a 5 minute penalty and then everything rolled over to the next day, and me. 

It always sucks to deal with discipline/behavior issues in SL--managers of any community/business will agree--but I'm the boss, it comes with the territory.  I had already had to give him game penalties, private talks, and conduct warnings. So yesterday morning I have to give him a one week suspension. 

Then the dude seriously tries to trade me off the team for "actions against him" and a forums post I made informing the league that the season would be shortened due to unanimous captain vote. 

What level of stupid do you have to be to make an enemy out of the person that runs a virtual activity you want to be a part of?   

I mean wow, the stench of Stupid.

Anyway, on the positive: The reason I say it turned out to be a good day was this: The level of instant support and agreement from not only the league in general, but particularly my team, was stunning. It really made me feel good. Ex-GOHA Player was a very strong player, and I had some fear the team would be pretty pissed. He also made it seem like other people on the team felt I wasn't having fun or contributing, that I wasn't a worthy player but just "getting a free ride to the cup like in S11". That wasn't no free ride, if someone told him that they are as full of shit as he is. Wonder where he got the idea S11 was a free ride..but that's off topic. Anyway, my team: Instead, they immediately reacted by retracting the trade offer. Ruffian Lane told the team last night we will change nothing but continue to play like we've been playing. The team was kind, made it clear how they really do feel about my skills and team participation. 

League members scoffed at Ex-GOHA Player's group notice and behavior and a lot of them cheered and drew sighs of relief that he's gone. I got private messages left and right of support. So the day ended with sort of a warm and fuzzy feeling after all. Really shows you the depth and community aspect of the league when getting rid of one bad apple, even if it's in a dramatic fashion, brings the rest of the community closer.

To me it's indicative of a strong community. Even when you got those folks who think they can walk all over anyone and everyone, and have no gratitude, sportsmanship, or maturity, there's the other REAL 99% who has all that and more.

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