Sunday, December 11, 2011

PICS 2011

Baron Grayson's new lair
GOHA Draft Day
Bebe decides to beg.
My first season as a Polar Bear.

Skybox on Jericho Hill.
At a piece of mainland in Lota I briefly owned.

Our farmhouse on JH.
Checking out the sunset at Chamonix City.
Visiting Pteron with Marjan Tomba and Katia.
Inside the spectator section hall at Cleary Arena.
A burlesque dancer does a dance to Pearl Jam's "Black" at the Guerilla Burlesque I visited a few Fridays.
My friend Gaily.
My RL spouse "Kerry" and I hang out in lawn chairs, wow it's like real life.
Katia and I spend a day scoping out Caledon, as staunch Bay City members.

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