Sunday, December 18, 2011


The real world has been pretty nuts for the last 13 months--a lot of loss or change. Health troubles, subsequent job loss, pending home loss. A lot of gains too. More time to think, new job, and pending a new home. Everything will work out. I lived through the year! Hey, it's really an amazing and good thing.
SL has been, in that same time, both a blessing and a curse. I was blessed with Katia, who still puts up with me, somehow; Bebe, who I found by good fortune and took as my sub; hosting the official Winterfest last year; discovering some new interests inside SL; winning the Global Cup in my hockey league. Because of everything coming up this year in real life--focusing on my health and moving into the new home--I'm wanting to do what most folks do when they login. That's relax! I got a few new interests I want to pursue in SL on top of the hockey league, so it's a good time for it. Please forward all complaints to Marjan Tomba! :D I will be taking a season off as Head Honcho and letting a small dedicated group manage things with my assistance only as needed.
I will continue to be behind the scenes but keeping my paws off it, allowing our very capable community to enjoy running things themselves for once. In the's Jack..relaxing for a change and taking in the scenery wooooooot!

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