Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
This is genius--found it posted on the SLU boards and thought I'd share it here too. Best part is Obama's lines lmao
My son got a shiner from a fall. I teased him and told him he should say he got it in a hockey fight, and "You should see the other guy!" He liked that.
My First Auction
So tonight I did something new. My friend Pancake invited me to--are you ready? A live auction for butterflies. They are breedable creatures in SL. The auctioneer was on voice and busily auctioning off all types and genders of butterflies and other insects. Fascinating! Didn't realize there was such a thing. Pancake says the breedables community is a huge subculture in SL and they do many activities as a group--besides the auctions.
Where: The Borough
A scene of the auction park.
Tristan Careless had the line of the night: "My comment is that I have no comment." (I had the SL bug tonight where many avatars around me are standing sunken into the ground with their arms straight out. Annoying!)
This is the auctioneer, Eden Malik. Very pleasant speaking voice and did a great job entertaining the crowd while auctioning off the bugs.
Here is Pancake, watching the auction and trying very hard not to spend money. Very interesting evening, and I did learn something: Butterflies have penises. Nic Renegade tells me they also shit out their eyes, and eat through their feet, but I don't think I believe that.
[22:04] NikGade: A wise man once said.. "If you're catching butterflies... You better check whats between your legs."
We then visited a really awesome club called Organica, on Happy Clam Island. Friendly staff and patrons and truly amazing build!
Where: Organica
This is the auctioneer, Eden Malik. Very pleasant speaking voice and did a great job entertaining the crowd while auctioning off the bugs.
Here is Pancake, watching the auction and trying very hard not to spend money. Very interesting evening, and I did learn something: Butterflies have penises. Nic Renegade tells me they also shit out their eyes, and eat through their feet, but I don't think I believe that.
[22:04] NikGade: A wise man once said.. "If you're catching butterflies... You better check whats between your legs."
We then visited a really awesome club called Organica, on Happy Clam Island. Friendly staff and patrons and truly amazing build!
Where: Organica
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
This past year, I have become a fan of Ravenswood Theatrical Group in SL. This group is composed entirely of furries and they put out fantastic productions of RL plays and musicals. The sets are beautiful, the choreography lifelike, and the attention to detail is stunning. I highly recommend attending a performance. You can contact Alexiel Czaczkes in-world for information and schedules.
Tonight we had a special treat--the group performed Phantom of the Opera for GOHA at Chamonix City, in a specially built theater on Cross Check. GOHA thanks Alexiel Czaczkes for making this possible and those in attendance had a wonderful time for this incredible 3-hour performance.

You can visit them in-world or on Facebook:
Ravenswood Thtr SL
Monday, March 19, 2012
If you're a fan of zombies, you don't really want to miss out. I've been watching since last year. I actually missed the first season, though I kept hearing about it and intending to watch. TV is not really my bag other than NHL and the occasional movie, so it was an effort to finally sit down, watch the entire first episode on Netflix, then start watching it on AMC last fall. Very glad I did. End-of-the-world done right, gory and exciting Sunday night TV. We almost ditched it last fall when things were getting a little too soap-operay with Lori and Shane and Rick. Who cares who's sleeping with who when the world's filled with zombies?
Things got better once the matter of Sophia was settled. The writers listened to their audience and brought back the confrontations, zombies, and gore. While we still had to deal with quite of a bit of who's sleeping with who, total annoyance with the weak and drama-ho female characters Lori and Andrea, and Herschel's never-ending strange behavior, they focused less on that and you could really feel things coming to a head. My lone complaint would be, and my wife agrees, that the female characters have largely been very flat and predictable. We like Maggie (the farmer's daughter) and Carol, who both have been very interesting characters and seem more dimensional. We agree that if Glen or Daryl get eaten, we're going on strike!
The season finale was killer. (Warning: Spoilers) Forced to leave the farm (who ever really thought it was safe, anyway?) due to an unexplained sudden influx of thousands of zombies walking across the fields, the group loses a couple members and finds themselves with no safe haven.
We then also find out that everyone is infected--once you die, no matter how, you will turn. This wasn't a complete surprise for me, since some readers of the comic book series had hinted at it to me. I have not read the comics and don't intend to yet. I enjoy being surprised. The series reportedly hasn't followed the line of the comics much (to the comic fans' dismay) but reportedly, with the season finale last night, things are about to change.
After the episode, we got into a discussion at home about where we'd go for safety if a zombie apocalypse occurred. At my house, this isn't weird, we threw a party last spring when that religious nut publicized his beliefs that it was about to happen. We even jokingly made up a map with the quickest and safest route to the gun store half a mile away, and drank a lot of beer. Anyway, a prison seems like an obvious and fantastic choice. My daughter also brought up hospitals and large government buildings. Most government buildings are used to being overrun with zombies, though, aren't they? ;)
Finally we are rid of the dubious Shane, which you pretty much saw coming since the second season began. He leads Rick off into the woods, on a fools errand to find their escaped prisoner (who he murdered) and attempts to shoot him down like a dog. In many ways it was a shame, because the character of Shane could have gone a whole different direction, had he not gotten so focused on the love triangle between Rick, Lori and himself.
Hershel's Barn burns to the ground! So much for safe home turf. So we've theorized that there is a large contigency of survivors inside that prison, perhaps led by Michonne (see below). Again, having not read the comic books, we're guessing. This is a fantastic turn of events, since we all agree that new characters are badly needed, and not just because the zombies ate some.
The character of Michonne, from the comics was introduced. I wasn't familiar with her and know nothing about her, still, but the scene was breath-taking. Whinyass Andrea had been separated from the rest and was running blindly through the woods, chased by hordes of zombies. She was about to meet her maker (eater?) when she was saved by a hooded woman with a sword who was leading two armless zombies on leashes! At home, we freaked out :D As the camera fades out, leaving us in total suspense over who this woman is and where she came from (and why the hell does she have pet zombies?), the audience sees, just behind the treeline where Andrea lays looking up in shock at her savior, a large prison.
Bebe and I celebrate one year 3/18/2012 by laying around on a deserted island full of huge glowing roses. We managed to snatch a little quiet time, a rarity if you're involved in the virtual life of Jack Belvedere.
I find it a little hard to believe it's been a year since we met. My RL year has been nuts so I haven't been around in there as much as I used to, and I feel like I'm still just getting to know her sometimes.
Here's to many more anniversaries!
I find it a little hard to believe it's been a year since we met. My RL year has been nuts so I haven't been around in there as much as I used to, and I feel like I'm still just getting to know her sometimes.
Here's to many more anniversaries!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
I won the Klata :)))))))))WHEEEEEEEEE Wanted that one for so long!
*WINNER: Euro: Jehuty Niemi; NA-Lhunara Fireguard
FALTA TROPHY - Most Goalie Wins
*WINNER: Euro: Allan Gudkov; NA: Lhunara Fireguard
IPR365 AH TROPHY - Most Goalie Assists
*WINNER: Euro: Allan Gudkov; NA: Abu Salazar
STREET TROPHY - Most Player Assists
*WINNER: Euro: Kiba Rubble; NA-Kei Frequency
YUMAKO TROPHY - Best Plus/Minus
*WINNER: Euro-Kiba Rubble, NA Ashlene McMinnar
ROLLAND TROPHY - Most Season Penalties
*WINNER: Euro-Lito Menoptra; NA-Christianson Karu
BECKHAM TROPHY - Most Shots on Goal
*WINNER: Euro: Lito Menoptra; NA: Felicia Humbridge
*WINNER: Euro-Kiba Rubble; NA-Beavis Beckham
*WINNER: Euro: Kiba Rubble; NA: Kei Frequency
(New) GRETZKY TROPHY - Poke Checks/Trips
*WINNER: Euro: Abu Salazar; NA: Beavis Beckham
*WINNER: (TIE)-Dyz Warburton, Abu Salazar
*WINNER: Felicia Humbridge
*WINNER: Javierito Noel
*WINNER: Marjan Tomba
*WINNER: Gerhard Hesse
*WINNER: Vic Gastel
*WINNER: Jehuty Niemi
*WINNER: (Tie) MrC Sparta, MyNameIsBob
*WINNER: Fall Goalpost
*WINNER: (Tie) MrC Sparta, Deej Kasshiki
*WINNER: Lito Menoptra
*WINNER: (TIE) Tammed Ember, Kiba Rubble
GOALPOST TROPHY - Outstanding Captain of the Season
*WINNER: Euro: Arctic Kas; NA: Mystic Audion
RODRIGUEZ TROPHY - Outstanding Rookie
*WINNER: Euro-(TIE): Jehuty Niemi, Lane Scorpio; NA (TIE): Jehuty Niemi, Lhunara Fireguard
COURNEYOR TROPHY - Outstanding Teamwork
*WINNER: Euro: Foxes; NA: Whales
JEWELL TROPHY - Most Improved Player
*WINNER: Lane Scorpio
NADOKA OH TROPHY - Enforcer of the Season
*WINNER: Beavis Beckham
BEEKS TROPHY - Outstanding Passing
*WINNER: Euro: Kiba Rubble; NA: Tammed Ember
LUSCH TROPHY - Outstanding Veteran of the Year
*WINNER: (TIE) Marjan Tomba, Christianson Karu
JAMES TROPHY - Outstanding Sportsmanship
*WINNER: (3-way tie) Javierito Noel, Zerastargazer Starostin, Mystic Audion
ZUHRAH TROPHY - Outstanding Referee of the Season
*WINNER: Jehuty Niemi
COPPOLA TROPHY - Outstanding Service to the League Award
*WINNER: Marjan Tomba
MERRICK-SABRE TROPHY - Outstanding Offenseman
*WINNER: Euro: Kiba Rubble; NA (TIE): Felicia Humbridge, MrC Sparta
KLATA TROPHY - Outstanding Defenseman
*WINNER: Euro (tie): Deej Kasshiki, Kacey Rossini; NA (Tie) Genghis Roux, Jack Belvedere
WIND TROPHY - Outstanding Goalie of the Season
*WINNER: Euro-Jehuty Niemi; NA-(TIE) Jehuty Niemi, Lhunara Fireguard
GUDKOV TROPHY - Outstanding Utility Player
*WINNER: Euro: Tammed Ember; NA: Vic Gastel
WACHMANN TROPHY - Outstanding Defensive Offenseman
*WINNER: Euro-Kert Upshaw; NA (tie)-Beavis Beckham, Kert Upshaw
VIDOR TROPHY - Outstanding Offensive Defenseman
*WINNER: Euro-Abu Salazar; NA-Christianson Karu
*WINNER: Euro: Kiba Rubble; NA (tie): MrC Sparta, Jehuty Niemi
*WINNER: Euro: Kiba Rubble; NA-Lhunara Fireguard
*WINNER: Gunner Walker
*WINNER: Larithen Karu
*WINNER: Jehuty Niemi
THE TOMBA CUP - NA Division Regular Season Champs
*WINNER: Ice Lords
SKYTOWER CUP - Euro Division Most Regular Season Wins
*WINNER: Storm
*WINNER: Euro-Foxes; NA-Cobras
THE ARENA CUP - Euro Division Trophy
*WINNER: Storm
THE GLOBAL CUP - NA Division Trophy
*WINNER: Ice Lords
Congrats to all!
And ending with something very nice:
I know I bitch sometimes about the crappy shit said to me, but on the other side of the coin, here is a note I received today from a player:
I want to thank you and everyone at GOHA so much. Not only is GOHA a great place to have fun. It's actually giving people opportunities. This place got me my current job. No joke. I was in the interview for it, wasn't going so well and they asked me something like "Have you had any experience leading people?" and all I could think of was my time as captain. So I ran them through that and some of the trials and tribulations of being in said position. They didn't just like it, they were so impressed by it that I'm now in the position to be promoted to Team Leader Deputy in only 6 months of being on the business, a record time for my place! I got thinking about it a while ago and suddenly realised about it. So again, thank you so much, you've enriched my 1st life aswell as my Second Life! :D
Friday, March 9, 2012
Been shopping around getting some suggestions from others, and trying out some new looks.
In Prodigal Skin. In the right light, it's ok, but overly defined. No one is that defined!
Syu skin from Egoism (and my awards suit).
Looking emo in a paler version of the Syu skin.
This is fun lmao. This is my getup for the after-party for our Season 13 Awards. The theme is Heaven and Hell, considering this season was surely those extremes. This is from Fallen Angel, the Raphael skin. I want Awards night to come. I finished the trophies today. I have finally won the one trophy I always wanted and never won, was really freakin excited counting votes. Tied with a friend, too, so we both get it. It's "just" a prim cup but I always wanted it. Come on, March 16th!
How do you like that stache? Too Freddie Mercury? A darker Syu skin by Egoism.
Mr Gloom
urban scene
Scuzzy pool hall look. (looking pretty scared)
In Prodigal Skin. In the right light, it's ok, but overly defined. No one is that defined!
Syu skin from Egoism (and my awards suit).
Looking emo in a paler version of the Syu skin.
This is fun lmao. This is my getup for the after-party for our Season 13 Awards. The theme is Heaven and Hell, considering this season was surely those extremes. This is from Fallen Angel, the Raphael skin. I want Awards night to come. I finished the trophies today. I have finally won the one trophy I always wanted and never won, was really freakin excited counting votes. Tied with a friend, too, so we both get it. It's "just" a prim cup but I always wanted it. Come on, March 16th!
How do you like that stache? Too Freddie Mercury? A darker Syu skin by Egoism.
Mr Gloom
urban scene
Scuzzy pool hall look. (looking pretty scared)
Ended up with the night off work and bored waiting for my kid's flight (delayed!) so I'm checking out some places in the Destination Guide and Search.
Stonehedge Rebuilt
This is a very nice re-creation with some great creative additions made.
Description: This reconstruction of the Neolithic site of Stonehenge attempts to explain its lithology and show how it must have appeared in ancient times. It demonstrates how rays of sun passed between the megaliths during the summer solstice.
Teleport: Stonehedge
It's not entirely clear what the sim is all about here, but it's pretty awesome-looking. The land description says only: "Some kind of demands please send a notecard to Masoon Ringo."
Amazing use of prim.
Teleport: Alpha Point
The sim is mostly empty, which you wouldn't believe on first look, because it's really beautiful and interesting. Sort of lonely.
It's very surreal and peaceful.
Sim Description: "a quite place for hanging out, afking and/or do random thoughts....to be closer to your\s self."
Teleport: Bamboo China
Uh..Duran Duran Universe
Out of sheer curiosity I have to visit. On the Destination Guide, there's many different categories: Nature, Pets, LGBT Friendly, Music, Role Play...and Duran Duran. It has 14 entries. WTF!
This is an underwater club included in Duran Duran Universe.
Description: "Hidden beneath the seas of the Duran Duran Universe is the super secret UFO Club, an adventurous club and bar where anything can happen. Rumor has it that members of the band have played a spontaneous deejay gig or two here... Part of THE DDU - The Duran Duran Universe owned by the legendary band Duran Duran."
Teleport: Duran Duran Club
Inside the Giant Lipstick Tower (you can't make this stuff up) at Duran Duran Universe.
Description: "Dance to you favorite Duran Duran tracks at the club located at the base of the Lipstick Tower. As you ascend each level, fans will find other surprises. Don't overlook Mechakucha, a sushi restaurant at the top level with a view to a kill."
Teleport: Giant Lipstick Club
Machu Picchu
This is a place I'd like to go in real life. Pretty nice re-creation here.
Description: "The Citadel of Machu Picchu, the legendary Inca´s Village, one of the 7 new marvels of the world. Hosted by University de San Martin de Porres from Peru."
Teleport: Machu Picchu
SLRR (SL Railroad)
In the northern"atoll" continent, there's a long railroad system. Katia and I used to have a couple homes on this continent, in Carolina and Cristat and Penan. The SLRR is part of the Linden Labs infrastructure and crosses 85+ Sims. The hub is a "Main Street" themed town. I rented a little shop for GOHA just because I really liked the little town. Looks like Iowa :)
Description: *** SL Showcase Editor's Pick! ***
"Main Street" themed town on the SLRR (Second Life Railroad). Shopping, Lease Space, Free Train Rides - Free Balloon Rides.
Teleport: Main Street
Description: The centerpiece of Cadenza is the piano inside the hollowed-out tree trunk with the swirling rays of light spiraling around it. However, the nearby art exhibition and bunny dome are just as enchanting and deserve a look.
Teleport: Cadenza
Stonehedge Rebuilt
This is a very nice re-creation with some great creative additions made.
Description: This reconstruction of the Neolithic site of Stonehenge attempts to explain its lithology and show how it must have appeared in ancient times. It demonstrates how rays of sun passed between the megaliths during the summer solstice.
Teleport: Stonehedge
It's not entirely clear what the sim is all about here, but it's pretty awesome-looking. The land description says only: "Some kind of demands please send a notecard to Masoon Ringo."
Amazing use of prim.
Teleport: Alpha Point
The sim is mostly empty, which you wouldn't believe on first look, because it's really beautiful and interesting. Sort of lonely.
Sim Description: "a quite place for hanging out, afking and/or do random thoughts....to be closer to your\s self."
Teleport: Bamboo China
Uh..Duran Duran Universe
Out of sheer curiosity I have to visit. On the Destination Guide, there's many different categories: Nature, Pets, LGBT Friendly, Music, Role Play...and Duran Duran. It has 14 entries. WTF!
This is an underwater club included in Duran Duran Universe.
Description: "Hidden beneath the seas of the Duran Duran Universe is the super secret UFO Club, an adventurous club and bar where anything can happen. Rumor has it that members of the band have played a spontaneous deejay gig or two here... Part of THE DDU - The Duran Duran Universe owned by the legendary band Duran Duran."
Teleport: Duran Duran Club
Inside the Giant Lipstick Tower (you can't make this stuff up) at Duran Duran Universe.
Description: "Dance to you favorite Duran Duran tracks at the club located at the base of the Lipstick Tower. As you ascend each level, fans will find other surprises. Don't overlook Mechakucha, a sushi restaurant at the top level with a view to a kill."
Teleport: Giant Lipstick Club
Machu Picchu
This is a place I'd like to go in real life. Pretty nice re-creation here.
Description: "The Citadel of Machu Picchu, the legendary Inca´s Village, one of the 7 new marvels of the world. Hosted by University de San Martin de Porres from Peru."
Teleport: Machu Picchu
SLRR (SL Railroad)
In the northern"atoll" continent, there's a long railroad system. Katia and I used to have a couple homes on this continent, in Carolina and Cristat and Penan. The SLRR is part of the Linden Labs infrastructure and crosses 85+ Sims. The hub is a "Main Street" themed town. I rented a little shop for GOHA just because I really liked the little town. Looks like Iowa :)
Description: *** SL Showcase Editor's Pick! ***
"Main Street" themed town on the SLRR (Second Life Railroad). Shopping, Lease Space, Free Train Rides - Free Balloon Rides.
Teleport: Main Street
Description: The centerpiece of Cadenza is the piano inside the hollowed-out tree trunk with the swirling rays of light spiraling around it. However, the nearby art exhibition and bunny dome are just as enchanting and deserve a look.
Teleport: Cadenza
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I saw this after it was shared on SLU and got a kick out of it especially since my new motto became STFU.
Silence Gun: Strange weapon of the future immediately quiets you, whether you like it or not
This delayed auditory feedback device makes it all but impossible for a human to speak.
Ever since humans first invented guns, they've been inventing new uses for them. Some shoot bullets; others shoot lasers. But a strange and unsettling new gun being developed by Japanese researchers shoots sound waves in an effort to disrupt and silence anyone who dares speak out of turn.
Ever since humans first invented guns, they've been inventing new uses for them. Some shoot bullets; others shoot lasers. But a strange and unsettling new gun being developed by Japanese researchers shoots sound waves in an effort to disrupt and silence anyone who dares speak out of turn.
The gun operates based on the concept of delayed auditory feedback. An attached microphone picks up the sound being made by the target and plays it back 0.2 seconds later. The effect is incredibly confusing to the human brain, making it all but impossible to talk or hold a conversation. The device doesn't cause the person it's being used on any physical harm — it simply messes with their head.
When the human brain hears its own speech perfectly in sync during normal speech, it easily processes the input and allows you to largely ignore the sound of your own voice. However, by offsetting the response just a bit, the brain hears your mouth speaking as well as the strange echo effect produced by the gun. This unusual combination is confusing enough to effectively shut down the part of your brain responsible for managing speech, and you fall immediately silent.
The first versions of the weapon — if we can even call it that — were dependent on a separate PC to process the input and relay it back to the speaker. However, the second prototype (pictured above) does away with the need for additional hardware and includes all the necessary processing bits within its casing, making it easily portable.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Hope everyone keeps up those calls and letters. He has panicked and released a phony apology for "bad choice of words" and says he didn't mean a personal attack..heh.
After a media and political firestorm, Rush Limbaugh issued an apology on Saturday for calling student Sandra Fluke a "slut" on his radio show this week.
Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University who was advocating for health insurance plans to cover the cost of contraception, became the target of a series of attacks by Limbaugh. Besides calling her a "slut," he also called her a "prostitute," said that he wanted her to make sex tapes and post them online, and speculated that she only had a problem paying for contraception because she was having "so much sex."
Limbaugh's comments caused advertisers to flee from his show, and even prompted President Obama to weigh in. The statements also became an issue in the Republican presidential race.
Limbaugh — who has a long history of making incendiary remarks, and is not known to take them back — issued the rare apology on Saturday afternoon, saying he was "sincerely" sorry about his "insulting" characterization of Fluke. But he maintained that the birth control debate was about "personal sexual recreational activities," not any broader health questions, and compared contraception to sneakers.
The apology, in full:
"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.
I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit? In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.
My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices." - Rush Limbaugh
Friday, March 2, 2012
Earlier I posted about the nationwide advertising boycott/contacts regarding companies who are buying air time on Rush Limbaugh's program. Apparently, the companies' twitter feeds are going wild with responses. So everyone hopefully will keep it up.
Sleep Number Sara @SleepNumberSara Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program.
@drpfox As of today, LegalZoom has suspended all advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show.
One more quick post, here's a couple more current advertisers:
Century 21 Real Estate LLC - confirmed sponsor
International Headquarters
1 Campus Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Contact Us | CENTURY 21
Quicken Loans - confirmed sponsor
1050 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
Client Relations - (800) 863-4332
and: (800) 251-9080
Also Dominos Pizza pulled their ads.
Sleep Number Sara @SleepNumberSara Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program.
@drpfox As of today, LegalZoom has suspended all advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show.
One more quick post, here's a couple more current advertisers:
Century 21 Real Estate LLC - confirmed sponsor
International Headquarters
1 Campus Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054
Contact Us | CENTURY 21
Quicken Loans - confirmed sponsor
1050 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
Client Relations - (800) 863-4332
and: (800) 251-9080
Also Dominos Pizza pulled their ads.
And there's more.A Message from Carbonite CEO, David Friend Regarding Ads on Limbaugh
March 02, 2012A Statement from David Friend, CEO of Carbonite as of 6:45pm ET, March 3:
“No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady. Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.”
Original post:
Over the past two days we have received a tremendous amount of feedback on Rush Limbaugh’s recent comments. I too am offended and very concerned about his comments. Limbaugh’s remarks have us rethinking our future use of talk radio.
We use more than 40 talk show hosts to help get the Carbonite message out to the public. The nature of talk radio is that from time to time listeners are offended by a host and ask that we pull our advertising. This goes for conservatives like Limbaugh and progressives like Stephanie Miller and Ed Shultz. We even get customers who demand that we pull the plug on NPR. As an advertiser, we do not have control over a show’s editorial content or what they say on air. Carbonite does not endorse the opinions of the shows or their hosts.
However, the outcry over Limbaugh is the worst we’ve ever seen. I have scheduled a face-to-face meeting next week with Limbaugh during which I will impress upon him that his comments were offensive to many of our customers and employees alike.
Please know your voice has been heard and that we are taking this matter very seriously.
David Friend
Been working on an area to replace the old JH offices. I'm not sure I'm satisfied with it yet but here's the work so far.
Lobby Area
Meeting Space
My trophy wall :D
My temporary desk
Also have been working on outfitting my old alt I forgot about--Hockey Ghost--maybe help with inventory issues and lag for games next season. He's looking a little strange. :D
and yet except the yellow hair quite familiar eh? Ok, I have limited imagination.
He DOES have a bloody skin, though. I can switch things up a little.
Finally, working on tallying up Awards votes, and creating a possible awards area, though Mystic may be lending her sim for it instead.
Also have been working on outfitting my old alt I forgot about--Hockey Ghost--maybe help with inventory issues and lag for games next season. He's looking a little strange. :D
and yet except the yellow hair quite familiar eh? Ok, I have limited imagination.
He DOES have a bloody skin, though. I can switch things up a little.
Finally, working on tallying up Awards votes, and creating a possible awards area, though Mystic may be lending her sim for it instead.
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