Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Bachmann came to the decision to end her run, recognizing that "there was no viable way forward." Bachmann canceled her campaign trip to South Carolina. Campaign manager Keith Nahigian tells The Associated Press that the Minnesota congresswoman plans a news conference in Iowa later Wednesday morning. --CBS

Can you say "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"

Or how about "No shit, Sherlock." Why was it even taken seriously in the first place, is the real question! If I was a woman and a Republican, I would be seriously insulted about the choices presented to me. You have Clown #1 vs Womanizer #2 vs Religious Freakazoids #3,#4, and #5 vs Newt (you don't even need to think up a nickname for him).

I am a registered Independent and not extremely happy with Obama right now (though I voted for him, even met and introduced him for a speech) but jesus there is not going to be any viable choice. What a circus.

Obama will get my vote simply for that and for having managed to fry Bin Laden and end the Iraq war. Otherwise, I throw my hands up.

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