Monday, January 2, 2012


We're trying to pick out a new skybox and visited Rebourne, possibly the best skyboxes in SL.
 Aspen house.
 Another shot of Aspen
Toys in the attic!
 More  Marrakech
 Another shot of Manhattan
 Another shot of London
 South America
 Colorado horse stables
 Toronto/Calgary (it doesn't come with the giant robot, that's Marjan Tomba visiting us)
 I forget which one this is.
Paris, outside
 Paris, inside

Well, a hard choice. Pictures are out to help make the decision :D Bebe gets final call! One of these will be housing us in the sky.


Oh, also, just in case I forget: 
 Did this to the land at Jericho Hill the other day :D

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