Saturday, January 14, 2012



This late in the GOHA season, I have made an Executive Decision. (gasp!) I was informed by my team captain yesterday that he has been screwed this season, and placed the blame on me, and indicated that I am under the unresistable spell of KingHenrik (I know, WTF?). SL drama is so f&%^%ing stupid! Being the boss means you get to make up new rules sometimes, particularly if you pay thousands of dollars a year for little asinine assholes to entertain themselves. I traded myself and Katia to the Wolves. They have a low roster and could use the help, so Wolves here we come! It will be fun, some old teammates there too.
I have rapidly changed my tune this last year to be sure. Going from being Mr Nice Guy, Let's Work This All Out to, if you don't like it, STFU. I guess it's either old age or I finally got smart.

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