Sunday, January 29, 2012


It's mostly done. I made it extreeeemely simple (helps a little bit with lag except on weekends when everything is Lag Hell) but I like the results:
 View from spectators side
 Equipment building (Someone said, "Wow, we had a locker room, now we have a garage...") :D
Ice View
Sebastian the GOHA cat
 Empty stands waiting for some fans

Due to my real life job, I have had "virtually" no time at all to get in, build, or get anything at all done in Second Life, so it was a miracle I got this far. My job--as supposed "part-time"--has been almost as bad as my old one lately.
 Should a break be coming: Still have to finish the underwater stuff at JH, and Bebe's treehouse and land on TS.

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